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Château Larmande Wines

Located just a kilometre away from the beautiful village of Saint-Emilion Chateau Larmande is one of the oldest estates in the appellation, tracing its history to as early as 1585. Chateau Larmande...Read More

Products (5)
Château Larmande 2019
unchecked wish list
Grand cru classe - - - Red
€540.00 Incl. VAT
€45.00 / Unit
Château Larmande 2021
unchecked wish list
Grand cru classe - - - Red
€450.00 Incl. VAT
€37.50 / Unit
Château Larmande 2022
unchecked wish list
Grand cru classe - - - Red
€520.00 Incl. VAT
€43.33 / Unit
40% discount on the second case
Château Larmande 2016
40% discount on the second case
unchecked wish list
Grand cru classe - - - Red
€580.00 Incl. VAT
€48.33 / Unit
Château Larmande 2023
unchecked wish list
Grand cru classe - - - Red
€177.12 Incl. VAT
€29.52 / Unit
€144.00 Ex duty & VAT
En Primeur Wines – delivery in early 2026En Primeur Wines – delivery in early 2026
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